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Workbook: Workbook Level 1

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  • Type : Workbook
  • Level : Beginner
  • Date Added: September 10, 2010

The Complete Pianist Level One teaches the foundation for all future skills that will be taught in this series. Level one gradually introduces the anchor notes on the grand staff (top, middle and bottom lines of each staff) and contains 23 songs along with a polish piece at the end to bring it all together. Level one covers beginning concepts in ear training, theory, sight reading, note names on the keyboard, finger numbers, rhythm training, interval training, technique training, and composition. At the end, you will find a "Level One Review" which tests and reinforces everything taught in this level. The level one review can also be used to test a transfer student's current piano knowledge and abilities to assess what level to place them in.

More specific information about what is taught in Level One:

  • Important Information: About The Complete Pianist method, how to use this book, information for self-learners, information for parents, information for teachers, sample lesson outline, and example games.
  • Ear Training 1 and Review: High and low sounds, short and long sounds, sounds that are far apart and close together, going up and going down on the piano, repeat one measure of rhythm, and improvisation on the black keys.
  • Theory Training 1 and Review: Musical alphabet, note names on the piano (Dog House and Grandpa's House), basic dynamics, basic note names and values, the Grand Staff, measures, and the time signature 4/4.
  • Sight Reading Level 1 Part 1: Anchor Notes on the grand staff. Part one teaches the right bottom line and the left top line notes, keyboard and grand staff view of the notes, and these sight reading songs; "My First Song", "Bouncing, Jumping", "Fun Stuff", and "Note Names."
  • Sight Reading Level 1 Part 2: Three anchors taught, right bottom line, left top line and left middle line are shown on the keyboard and staff, and these sight reading songs; "Three Anchor Tune", "Trio Fun", "Crowded", and "Half Note Dot Tah."
  • Notes and Finger Training 1 and Review: Finger numbers, finger songs, composing a finger song. Note names on the keyboard/the musical alphabet, note or letter songs in middle C position, and writing your own note song.
  • Sight Reading Level 1 part 3: Four anchors taught, right bottom line, left top line, left middle line, and left bottom line shown on keyboard and staff, touch, check, play technique and these sight reading songs; "Four Anchors Away", "Double Trouble", "Chewing Gum", and "Lazy Days."
  • Rhythm Training 1 and Review: Defines a steady beat. Introduces clapping and counting quarter notes (tah), half notes, dotted half notes, whole notes, quarter rests, half rests, and whole rests. Teaches Counting out loud, using two different methods; note names and 1 2 3 4, as well as a game suggestion.
  • Sight Reading level 1 part 4: Five anchors taught, right middle line, right bottom line, left top line, left middle line, left bottom line all shown on the keyboard and staff. Contains the following sight reading songs; "The Count", "5 Anchor Show", "Wee Willie Winkie."
  • Interval Training 1 and Review: Steps and skips on the keyboard, steps and skips on the staff, playing and saying intervals with review, and interval game suggestion.
  • Sight Reading level 1 part 5: All six anchor notes taught, right top line, right middle line, right bottom line, left top line, left middle line, left bottom line all shown on the keyboard and staff. Contains the following sight reading songs; "All Anchors 1", "All Anchors 2", "All Anchors 3", and "All Anchors 4."
  • Technique Training 1 and Review: C position, G position, F position, five finger scale, 5th, arpeggio, and transposing "Hot Cross Buns."
  • Sight Reading Level 1 part 6: All anchors learned adding step up and down from the right bottom line and left top line. Contains the following sight reading songs; "First Steps", "Shy Steps", "Oddly", and "Miniature Horses."
  • Flash Card training 1 and Review: Anchor notes on the keyboard , anchor notes on the staff (top middle and bottom line of each staff), Game suggestion using anchor note flashcards, drawing the anchor notes on the staff, speed test using a metronome and a stop watch.
  • Polish Piece level 1: Contains step suggestions for learning and polishing a piece of music. The polish piece included is called "Polished Stones."
  • Composition Training 1 and Review: Composing tips and writing a composition using the anchor notes.
  • Level One Review: Tests level 1 theory concepts, note names on the keyboard, finger numbers, flashcards on the staff, counting a rhythm, scale, arpeggio and fsong in C, G and F, naming and playing skips and steps on the staff, and composition review.